Thursday 17 May 2012

What's Your Mission, 007?

Everyone knows what a leader is. It’s someone who takes initiative, has their own ideas and is an individual, as well as can manage and lead people. Being a leader is a great thing, it’s the leaders of this world that make all the decisions and make the changes in our society. Now, servant leadership, that’s a completely different ballgame. This is being a humble leader, leading by example not by being pushy. People like Hitler and Gadhafi were leaders, but they lead their countries to ruins by using tactics of intimidation, false promises and violence. To me, servant leadership is when you lead like Jesus did. It’s when you wash the feet of others, and help them even when they don’t deserve it. It’s loving everyone, even the sluts and stoners and drunks. It’s helping those in need, and giving everything to help them. It’s hanging with the “losers” even when it will hurt your rep and make you seem like a loser. It’s sticking up for those without a voice. It’s searching for peace in a world where a child can die in the middle of the street and nobody cares, nobody even gives a second glance. What kind of world do we live in that this happens? If we had more people like Jesus in our world today, or even people who were striving to be like him, instead of going through the motions, our world would be a much better place. Servant leadership is a trait that I strive to have in my life. I try as much as possible to lay down my life for others, but boy is it hard!

Sometimes I feel unqualified for this job God has given me. But, you don’t need to be qualified to live your life for God. Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, and Paul was a murderer. Both of these people committed immense sins before they came to know God. They were the most unqualified people out there, but God still used them. He chose them over the Pharisees, over the most religious, rule abiding people out there. Mary washed the feet of Jesus, and he was immensely proud of her. The Pharisees followed every rule and rhyme, but they didn’t love those who were sinners. For them, it was a popularity contest; they were living their lofty lives on the outside, while committing heinous acts in secret. These people, in Jesus’ eyes, were much worse than the sinners who repented and asked for forgiveness, and now live for God. Why would God choose the sinners? I don’t know, but I’m so happy that he did. I’m a major sinner; I’m so far from perfect. But God still chose me, and he can choose you too. I’m ready to accept my mission, the mission of being a servant leader. I’m ready to accept my badge, receive my weapon (figuratively speaking, being a pacifist and all), and get out in the field.

It’s a mission of global proportions; are you ready to accept?

 It will be far from easy, I promise you that. In my few years as a Christian, I’ve had so many struggles and trials. It’s been so difficult, but so worth it. Being a Christian is more than just reading your bible, and going to church. It’s more than even just proclaiming the gospel. It’s about relationships, and digging deeper. It’s about being a leader, a leader in Christ. It’s about jumping in, getting your hands dirty. Why preach to the chorus? You have to get in there, with the rebels and the criminals and the prostitutes. Jesus taught a revolutionary message when he did this, imagine what kind of message you would send at school if you decided to go sit with the “losers”. Jesus was all about peace and love. To me, servant leadership is creating peace and loving others.

 That’s my mission in life. What’s yours?

-Peace and Love (for reals)

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