Sunday 27 May 2012

What's the deal with the language?

Walking down the hall at school. What's the number one word you hear? I'm sure you can guess, it's a four letter word, starts with an f. Every other word, you can hear this one. I have a question for those of you who swear, what's the purpose? What's the deal with swearing? It's detrimental to you in many ways! Here's a list of  reasons why swearing is a terrible idea.

1. It makes you sound stupid
When you swear, it makes you look immature and stupid. If you have to rely on a swear word to express yourself, then you aren't using the English language properly. There are so many other, non-swear words that you can use to express your anger at your English teacher, or use to describe that person you hate. When you swear, it makes you look like a stupid teenager, the stereotypical teenager that grandmas and little children hate. Don't you want to prove this stereotype wrong by using proper language, grammar, and using more intelligent words?

2. It can give a wrong impression
If you swear all the time, it will become a force of habit to swear in all situations. What if you are going in for a job interview? You don't want to be sitting there, going through the interview, and then let out the f-bomb. That will make you look unprofessional, unsophisticated, and unqualified for the job. I'm sure they won't hire you if you do that. This will give the impression that you just don't care, and that you are that stereotypical teenager.

3. It is inconsiderate
What if those around you are offended by your swearing? They don't deserve to be around someone who is constantly swearing. Its rude.

4. It can get you in trouble
There is always that one stickler teacher that doesn't allow any swearing. You don't want to be spending every lunch in her room writing lines of "I will not swear in class", do you? Don't do it.

There are some reasons against swearing, and those, along with a couple more, are the reasons why I don't swear. Just my opinion on swearing.

Peace and Love

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