Everyone has a different interpretation or translation of Jesus based on their needs. The basic message of Jesus though, doesn't change. In the Bible, Jesus is the same. So how can he be interpreted so differently for each person? Here are a couple different versions of Jesus, which people see.
Spooky Jesus
This is the Jesus that you are scared of. Literally. Look at that freaky halo around his head. It just makes me want to go and cry. He is looking straight into my soul, and judging me. He can see all my inner sins, and everything I've ever done. He is so creepy looking. I sure wouldn't want to make this Jesus mad.
Buddy Jesus
This is the "hey, wanna hit up the town and watch a movie" Jesus. He is your best friend, the guy you always want to be with. He's a fun loving guy. You share your secrets with him, and hang out. You can just chill with him, and chillax. He's a pretty cool dude.
Sunday School Jesus
This is the "Jesus loves me, this I know" Jesus. He is really simple and easy to understand, even for little kids. Especially little kids. He lives in your Sunday School Bible, and does miracles like making food out of nothing for 5000 people, turning wine into water, and breaking down the walls of Jericho. He loves everyone, and promotes peace in an easy to read sort of way.
Jesus is My Boyfriend
This is the Jesus who you are in love with. You have a relationship that feels almost crazy. You love eachother, so much, and you just can't wait to spend your life with him. You are on fire for Jesus. He's the best thing that ever happened to you. You talk to him for hours every day, and read about him, and learn about him. You want to tell all of your friends about how amazing he is, and how much you love him.
Bearded Jesus
This Jesus is found in churches. Its the most realistic as found in the Bible depiction of Jesus. He is the Jesus found on crucifixes everywhere. Guaranteed, there is a picture like this somewhere in your church (except not mine, since I go to church in a movie theatre... love the Meeting House!). He has wicked flow, and is the most traditional looking Jesus.
Middle Class Jesus
I really like this picture a lot. This is the Jesus that is an everyday, hardworking, tax paying citizen. He shops at Ikea (obviously, who doesn't), pays his taxes on time, and is a good neighbour. He is just like you, and so easy to relate to. He has a 9-5 job, a nice family, and loves God. This is the down to earth Jesus, no fluff, no false religion. Just Jesus. He's plain jane.
So, which Jesus do you follow?
Which one do I follow, you ask?
Well. I follow all of them!
Yea. All of them! My Jesus is a little spooky, my best friend, a guy I follow with childlike faith, my perfect husband, a traditional person, and my neighbour across the road. He is scary sometimes; Its hard to follow someone you can't see, and believe in something non tangible. He is my buddy; I love to chill with him, and just talk to him through prayer and reading my bible. He is my Sunday School teacher; somebody I follow with a faith like a child, and with unfathomable hopes and dreams. He is my boyfriend; someone I love like my best friend, and can tell anything too. Someone who I have a run-away-lets-get-married relationship with. He's the perfect guy, and someone I can always talk to. He is the bearded Jesus; the guy they talk about in church, who looks like a homeless man, but has a sick beard. He is the Jesus on a cross, the guy who was chill enough to die for our sins. He's also my neighbour; the guy next door, who is just like me.
Jesus is lots of things... but he can't be restricted to just one. He is an all around guy, the perfect friend, husband, and God. He is more than we can ever dream of, and is so graceful. He loves us even with our sins, and helps us even when we don't deserve it. He's perfect.
-Peace and Love
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