Wednesday 20 June 2012

Yea, I'm a Jesus Freak
What will people think when they hear that I'm a Jesus freak?
What will people do when they find that its true?
I don't really care if they label me a Jesus freak- there ain't no disguising the truth.
There ain't no disguising the truth.
I ain't into hiding the Truth
-"Jesus Freak", Newsboys

Now, you all may be wondering, what is this? What's a Jesus Freak? Well let me tell you!

Jesus Freak- someone who is crazy about Jesus, and loves Him with all of their heart

I'm proud to say that I'm a Jesus freak. Jesus is my King and Saviour, and he is the best thing that ever happened to me. I am proud that he calls me his daughter, and that I can call him my father. He is always there for me, and is unconditionally loving. Even when I mess up (which happens WAY too often) and even when I sin (same with this, I sin every single day). That kind of love can't be expressed on this earth, except for by Jesus. I have messed up too many times to count, yet God doesn't keep track. He's not like your little brother, who will remember the one time you threw chilli at him forever and never let it go. He forgives you when you ask for it, and BAM, sins are forgiven. There is no keeping tabs of your sins with Jesus.

Sounds like a sweet deal, right? Why wouldn't you love and trust such a loving father?

Well. There is much more to Christianity than just saying, "hey, you seem like a cool guy. I like you, I believe in you. Now, can ya love me? Thanks bro." No, Christianity is believing, but also acting on those beliefs! The point is to live your faith, like Jesus did when he was on our Earth. This may be hard, with all those haters out there. They are gonna try to get you down, try to pressure you into caving to society's norms. But, the great part about loving Jesus is that he gives you strength to overcome these pressures. He gives you power over these people, the power to move on, and not let those haters get to you. Haters gonna hate, yo.

Don't let em get ya down, just keep pushing through. Keep being a Jesus freak, and keep living your life. 

One more thing: This unconditional love, this forgiving and loving nature that Jesus has towards us, its great. It doesn't occur with humans on earth. Even in marriage, this kind of 0 resentment, doesn't happen. There is always some kind of fighting, some kind of trouble. Jesus ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS loves. Jesus is my prince, and I'm his princess. Its the perfect love story. So, I guess you could say that I do believe in a fairy tale.

"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?
My best friend was born in a manger"

Keep It Real
Peace and Love

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Another hour wasted...

Hello there! How are you, its been a while! I'm sorry I've been AWOL the past few weeks, its been a crazy while. With exams, friends, youth group, my boyfriend, and sports, its been insanely busy. For this post, I think I am going to do a blog post on exams and the many reasons why I hate them.

1. You have to study your butt off
I absolutley hate studying. For exams, you have to study (or at least I do, I guess you dont have to) for a couple hours a night. It is ridiculous. I get so annoyed while I study as well. I am a perfectionist, so I feel that I need to know every little detail when I study. I go way to in-depth in my studying. It is insanely annoying.

2. Some exams are pointless
Its so pointless, especially when you have to study for a subject like grade 10 math. Like honestly, when am I ever gonna need to calculate the parabola, or figure out the equation of a line? It is completely useless, and has no use in my life. Why must we memorise this? Why can't we learn some math that we will honestly use! Someone said to me the other day, "why don't we have a math course that is devoted to calculating daily math, such as tips?" I think that would be so useful, we would actually use that math!

3. Its a waste of time
You will not remember what you studied on your exam a few months after the course is finished. You will, however, remember the projects and what you learned from applying your learning. I think teachers should just give a series of culminating projects, and we do those as our "exam mark".

4. All that extra stress
I don't know about you, but I get extremely stressed out about exams. I feel that I need to be the best at every thing, as I said earlier. And exams are huge tests on everything that you have learned. So, you can imagine how I study for hours, and get so stressed that I'm going to fail, how this one exam will lower my average, and how I'm not going to get into Med school because of it.

5. Teachers cram during quiet week
So, this isn't directly exam related, but in the final week of school before exams, teachers always cram and try to get all the learning that we should have been taught earlier in the year into one week. They realize, oh dang, I didnt teach this! And the students have to go through an entire unit in one week. Its crazy.

So there you go! Sorry to be a negative Nelly about exams, but I am extremely stressed right now, and needed to vent about my hatred of exams. Have a nice life!

-Peace and Love